Home | Books | Blood of the Lunacorn
By the Hand of Dragons:
Blood of the Lunacorn
“You would risk such wrath by stabbing a god in the back for him?”
“I would stab a god in the face for him.”
The writing is lyrical and exactly what you would expect, which is to say, nothing like anything I've seen in fantasy for a very long time. ~ Amazon Reviewer
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Blurb for Blood of the Lunacorn
The red shadow of Saber has subsided and while the wounds of war still weep, life must go on. Kaharh, the Emerald Son’s ‘Dagger in the Dark’ has carved out a romantic getaway for her and her king, one last chance to build happy memories before the waves of war swallow them all.
While she plans to spend both days in bed doing everything but sleeping, the mission changes when Shefa is stolen from her. Now she must tame the Mile High Woods, the most dangerous place in all Fuumashon, to get him back.
New monsters, new enemies and an unbelievable new ally. Is the jungle even Shefa fears prepared for the wrath of an angry dragon robbed of her honeymoon?
Ripped from the pages of Kaharh’s own journal, this adventure is filled with everything you’ve come to expect from this series, plus an incredibly intimate look at what warriors do when the door locks.